Christmas Tree and Ribbon Flat Lay Decorations Email Header (1)

Hi [field id="name"],

Thank you for your enquiry. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Tour Enquiry information:
Tour Option: [field id="field_ccde5e1"]
Tour Date
[field id="field_3f3f475"]
Alternative Date: [field id="field_a9304db"]
Adults: [field id="field_4b8f382"]   Children: [field id="field_5f29db6"]     Infants: [field id="field_5c91309"]
Names of passengers: [field id="field_8d701bf"]
Dietary Requirements:  [field id="field_2d9b865"]

Pick up location: [field id="field_6ee326c"]

Message: [field id="field_bd90057"]

If any of this information has changed, please reply to this email with the updated information.